How much is the shipping cost for a refurbished Apple product?

The shipping cost for a refurbished Apple product depends on the seller's shipping policy and on your location. We cannot provide exact data regarding shipping for products displayed on RefurbMe. However, you can compare sellers' international shipping policies here.

How much does shipping cost if I live outside the US?

If you live outside the US, make sure you are browsing your country's version of the RefurbMe website. If you're not, you'll probably see a banner at the top of the site:

You can either click on that link, or scroll all the way down the page to select your country's store.

Local sellers will likely have more advantageous shipping costs. They usually do not ship products internationally... however! We have good news for international users (keep reading).

How can I order US products from my country?

We are now partnering with MyUS, a service that allows you to order your refurbished Apple device from a US seller and get it shipped to you wherever you are in the world.

How does MyUS work?

MyUS gives you their physical address in the US to use for your order, so you don't have to pay the American sales tax. MyUS will receive your order and ship them to you, wherever you are in the world. Just click on Ship US products worldwide at the bottom of our site and they'll walk you through each step.