How much is the shipping cost for a refurbished iPhone?

The shipping cost for a refurbished iPhone depends on the seller's shipping policy and on your location. We cannot provide exact shipping data for the products displayed on RefurbMe as we are not in charge of shipping them ourselves. 


How can I get a lower shipping cost for my refurbished iPhone?

One simple trick: make sure you are browsing your country's version of RefurbMe. The site might detect your location and offer to take you to your local site with a banner at the top:


If not, you can scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and change your country. Local sellers will likely have lower shipping costs.

We do gather as much information possible from our refurbishers to make your shopping decision easy. You can compare shipping chargers from our list of refurbishers via this link


What if I can't find my country?

Glad you asked! RefurbMe is now partnering with MyUS, a service that allows you to place an order from a US site and get your device shipped anywhere in the world. How does it work? Simply sign up with RefurbMe's link (we've got a discount for you); use the MyUS address that is given to you, and they will take care of the rest.