How can I choose the right refurbished Mac laptop?

How can I choose the right refurbished Mac laptop?

It is important to choose the right refurbished Mac laptop for you; after all, this piece of hardware could last you many years. What you need to consider is which specs matter the most to you and why.

Step 1: Define what you need your MacBook for

Do you want to use your Mac laptop to browse the net and watch YouTube videos? You can probably get away with an older edition MacBook. Do you want to use your laptop to edit videos? Then elements like graphics, processor speed and screen size will be crucial for you. Do you want to use your refurbished Mac laptop to make conference calls from home? Then you'll be happy with a simple but functional MacBook Air.

Each need is met with different hardware properties. First, you need to define the main use for your laptop; this will tell you which aspects are most important to focus on.

Step 2: Browse discounted refurbished MacBooks

On RefurbMe, you can filter your MacBook search down to the exact right model for you. In this screenshot, you can see some filtering options for MacBook Air models.

But that's not all! You can also click on More Filters if you know exactly what kind of processor you want to have in your device.

All in all, you can filter your search by:

  • Category (MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro)
  • Price range
  • Refurb condition (Excellent, Good and Fair)
  • Seller (Amazon, Apple Store, Backmarket, Gamestop, Gazelle, Mac of All Trades, Renewed Macs, Uptrade)
  • Touch bar
  • Color
  • Screen size
  • Screen type
  • Storage
  • Memory
  • Processor type
  • Processor speed
  • Year
  • Graphics

Step 3: Pick your future Mac companion!

You won't regret it. Between our partners' warranty options, refurb quality and unbeatable prices, you'll fall in love with your purchase. We're sure of it. :)