Can I get pictures of refurbished products before making an order?

In most cases, you cannot get pictures of a refurbished product before you buy it. The pictures you will see on the product page are the official product photos from their original release by Apple.

When you select a product on RefurbMe, you can scroll down past the offers and Q&A section and you will find some real-life photos of a similar product. These are not the specific device's photos, but they can give you an idea of what your product might look like in real life.


However, there are some factors that can help you get a closer idea of what your refurbished product will look like. Refurbished products are graded according to their cosmetic condition. The grading scale may vary from seller to seller but in general, you can expect a grade A to C system. 

Grade A means that the product is in near-mint condition, grade B means that the product features some light scratches, and grade C means that the product shows clear signs of use. More on the differences between cosmetic conditions here.

Bear in mind that when you buy a refurbished product from a certified refurbisher (which is the case of all RefurbMe partners), you are buying a quality product sold by professionals. That is very different from buying a used product.